imagemMarcaManutenção2 - Maintenance Brands 2012


Engeman® was ranked first overall in choosing specialized maintenance software in the research conducted by the Manutençã website.

Since 2009, the poll brings together the main brands of maintenance throughout Brazil. In 2012, our software was ranked first, which demonstrates the confidence that maintenance managers place in Engeman®. We appreciate this confidence and will continue to work harder and stronger to maintain this position. Engeman® – The most flexible maintenance software in Brazil – is also the Best Known Brand of Brazilian Maintenance.

Engeman® – O software de manutenção mais flexível do Brasil é também a Marca Mais Conhecida da Manutenção Brasileira.

Want to know if we are the right strategy for your company? How about talking to us?

Our team of expert maintenance consultants is at your disposal to understand everything about your business and show you all the potential Engeman® provides to your company.

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Tenga en mente que toda empresa que pretende tener una organización de mantenimiento eficiente debe, en algún momento, adoptar un software.

El volumen de información en sus procesos es demasiado grande para guardarse solo en papeles impresos o simples planillas.

¿Su departamento de mantenimiento trabaja de forma planificada o la realidad se basa en acciones correctivas sobre máquinas paradas?

Complete el formulario al lado y vea en la práctica cómo podemos transformar su rutina de mantenimiento.

Nuestro equipo de expertos en mantenimiento está disponible para comprender todo sobre su negocio y mostrarle todo el potencial que Engeman® tiene para su empresa.

Logo Engeman


Have in mind that every company that aims to have an efficient maintenance organization must, at some point, adopt software.

You processes information volume is too big to be kept only on printed papers or single spreadsheets.

Is your maintenance department working in planed way or is the reality is based in corrective actions on malfunctioned and stopped machines?

Fill out the form aside and see in practice how we can transform your maintenance routine!

Our team of maintenance specialists is at your disposal to understand everything about your business and show you all the potential that Engeman® has for your company.