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Engeman® Starter

The base for an efficient maintenance.

listras laranja - Engeman® Starter

Engeman® Starter

The base for an efficient maintenance.

Engeman® Starter version

Engeman® Starter is a CMMS tool that will meet the basic maintenance demands, serving as a foundation for your maintenance!

Engeman® Starter is ideal for that company that needs to control its maintenance and does not know where to start. It allows your company to structure maintenance management in an intelligent and strategic way.

See Engeman® Starter advantages

  • Structure maintenance department
  • Low investment 
  • Intuitive
  • More than 150 management report
  • Perfect for SME 
  • Access from any device connected to Internet 
maintenance management technology 2 - Engeman® Starter

Engeman® Starter is the ideal CMMS for your company!

If your company fits into any of these situations, Engeman® Starter is for you!

starter - Engeman® Starter

Businessperson with experience in maintenance and who opened a small company to provide maintenance services.

starter - Engeman® Starter

Multinationals for use in a specific area of the company;

starter - Engeman® Starter

Companies of mid-sized and strict budget;

starter - Engeman® Starter

Companies of small-sized and strict budget;

Why choose

Engeman® Starter?

Simple and genius ideas for complex problems!

Some of the more than 150 management reports to structure your maintenance!

A compact solution with all the expertise of a great CMMS software.

potigas engeman customer - Engeman® Starter

Results of those who use Engeman®


“Engeman® ha facilitado nuestro mantenimiento diario, especialmente al emitir órdenes de trabajo preventivas. Después de hacer los registros en el software, el sistema funciona automáticamente. Se ganó proactividad y organización. Ahora las cosas están mucho más organizadas y confiables”.
Aluísio Azevedo

Results of the most remarkable cases
maintenace preventive control - Engeman® Starter
preventive reduction - Engeman® Starter
paper reduction - Engeman® Starter
engeman integration - Engeman® Starter
sla contract control - Engeman® Starter
fleet control - Engeman® Starter

If your company is large or needs more resources, get to know the other versions of Engeman®

listras - Engeman® Starter

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Hundreds of customers are achieving more reliability in their maintenance management with Engeman® software!

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Nuestro equipo de expertos está listo para comprender tus necesidades y demostrar cómo el Software Engeman® puede transformar el mantenimiento en tu empresa.

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Discover the power of Engeman®

Our team of experts is ready to understand your needs and demonstrate how Engeman® Software can transform maintenance in your company.

Book your free demo and see the difference!